Olea ferruginea Royle
Family Name: Oleaceae
Local Name : Kahu
English Name : Indian Olive

Description : A small, evergreen tree 9 to 12 m tall with diameters of 0.3 to 0.6 m. The leaves are simple, 3 to 10 cm long. The whitish, flowers are arranged in bunches. They bloom between March and September. The fruit is a drupe 8 mm long, that mature between May and December. It has no known insect or disease problems. It is reproduced both from seed and by vegetative means the seeds should be planted immediately after collection, as stored seed loses its viability rapidly. One year old poly bag plants are suitable for field planting. It grows very slow. MAI of 0.25 cm (dlam) is common. One year old coppice shoots are 0.25 to 0.90 m tall. Trees with heights of 3.5 m and diameters of 3 cm in a six-year period have been reported. Close, even grain. Sapwood is white, heartwood varies from li

Olea europaea L.
Family Name: Oleaceae
Local Name : Zaitoon
English Name : European Olive

Description : The plant is an evergreen tree or shrub. Its height is about 8-15m. The leaves are oblong and shiny silvery green and are 4 to 10 cm long and 1 to 3 cm broad. The trunk is twisted and gnarled. The flowers are white and small. The fruit is 1 to 3 cm long when ripe. It contains a seed commonly referred as "pit" or "stone" in English language. The olive's fruit is also called as olive; it is the source of olive oil and has a major agricultural importance in the Mediterranean region.

Murraya koenigii L.
Family Name: Rutaceae
Local Name : Kari-Patta
English Name : Curry tree

Description : This plant is a tropical to sub-tropical tree. It is a small tree having height of 2 to 5m. The stem is dark green to brownish; the main stem is 14 to 18cm. Leaves are compound and about 30cm long, each compound leaf bears 24 leaflets which are 4 to 9cm long and 2cm wide. Flowers have good smell, and the average diameter of a mature flower is about 1.12cm. Young or unripe fruit is red in colour, and fully ripe fruits are black with a very shining surface. One seed is present in each fruit. Curry tree is also called curry leaf tree or curry bush, among numerous local names, depending on country.

Morus serrata Roxb.
Family Name: Moraceae
Local Name : Karun
English Name : Himalayan mulberry

Description : This plant is a small deciduous tree growing to up to 15 to 20m tall. Bark of the trunk is smooth when it is young and scaly when it is older with reddish to grey, brown in colour. The leaves are 8 to15 cm long and 5 to 10cm wide and there are densely hairy veins are present on underneath, with the upper surface hairless. The edible fruit is a 2 to5 cm long compound cluster of several small drupes fully ripe fruit is red in colour. These plants have brittle roots and so they are needed to be handled with extreme care when planting them out, because mulberries bleed severely when cut.

Morus nigra L.
Family Name: Moraceae
Local Name : Kala-toot
English Name : Black mulberry or Blackberry

Description : Back mulberry or Blackberry is a small deciduous tree cultivated worldwide, mainly for its edible fruits. Its leaves can be used to feed silkworms for the silk production. This plant is a dark green coloured deciduous shrub that grows up to 5-10m tall. The trunk is short. The stalk that attaches the leaf blade to the stem is short. The leaf blades are asymmetrical and broad at the base and shortly acuminate on top. The flowers are small and not very attractive. Fruits are between 1-3cm in length and 2-3 cm in diameter. The fruit is black, glossy, sweetish sour, and juicy. Its shoots and branches have yellowish colour.

Morus alba Linn.
Family Name: Moraceae
Local Name : Tut
English Name : Mulberry

Description : A medium sized, deciduous tree, 9 to 15 m tall and diameters of 0.6 to 0.8 m. The crown is spreading and rounded. The leaves are simple, but varied in shape, 5 to 15 cm long and 4 to 12 cm wide. The bark is dark greyish brown with vertical ridges or fissures. It is monecious. The male flowers are in 1 to 2 cm long catkin like bunches. The female flowers are in solitary, rounded heads 0.5 to 1 cm in diameter. The flowers are greenish appearing between February and April. The fruit is a berry containing 5 to 15 small seeds, 0.7 to 1 cm long. The berries are white to pinkish to purple to red to black. The fruiting period is between March and June. It has numerous insects and pest enemies including porcupines, defoliators, powdery mildew, root rots, and die back. It is reproduced bo

Moringa oleifera Lam.
Family Name: Moringaceae
Local Name : Sohanjana
English Name : Horse-radish tree, Drumstick tree

Description : This plant is tropical tree. It is medium sized evergreen or deciduous tree and can grow up to the height of 10-12m and the roots are deep. The bark is grey and corky. The branches are thin and week. The leaves of this plant are compound and alternate and are about 7-60cm long, with each pinnate bearing 5 or 6 pairs of leaflets that are dark green. Flowers are fragmented and about 7 to 14 mm long and have cream colour. The fruit is a typically 3-valved capsule, about 10-60cm in length. The young fruit is green and when turns mature its colour changes into brown at maturity. The mature fruit splits open along each angle to expose the seeds. The capsule contains 10- 20 round seeds, 1-3 cm in diameter. Seeds contain a large amount of oil.

Millingtonia hortensis Linn.
Family Name: Bignoniaceae
Local Name : Nim Chameli
English Name : Indian Cork Tree

Description : A tall erect evergreen tree attaining a height of 25 to 30m. Leaves are large, opposite, 2 to 3 pinnate up to 1 m long. Leaflets are 2.5 to 5 cm long and acununate. Bark is patchy and fissured.  Flowers are white, fragrant and appear between February and March in many flowered pannicles. It is reproduced primarily from root suckers. Growth rates are high. It can grow in height up to 2 m in one season. It has no observed insect or pest problems. Grains are even, light color sapwood with medium density.

Millettia ovalifolia kurz.
Family Name: Fabaceae
Local Name : Waliati Sheesham
English Name : Moulmein Rosewood

Description : This tree species is a synonym of Millettia peguensis Ali. This plant is a small deciduous tree having height of 12-15m. Trunk straight and covered with smooth grey bark. The compound leaf (5 to 7 leaflets) is about 18 to 25cm long. Flowers are 5 to 20cm long racemes on young branchless. Flowering time is February to April. It is mostly planted for ornamental purposes. It looks really beautiful when in full bloom. It blooms with racemes of mauve pea-like flowers. Leaves are pinnate and leaflets oval in shape. Fruit of this plant is linear, and it is 6.5 to 9 cm long and about 1.5 cm broad, and fruit is glabrous to subglabrous. The plant is a food source for the special species of caterpillar “Jamides bochus”.

Melia azedarach Linn.
Family Name: Meliaceae
Local Name : Bakain
English Name : Persian Lilac

Description : A medium to small sized, deciduous tree, 6 to 12 m tall and with diameters of 0.57 to 0.70 m. The crown is spreading and rounded. The leaves are compound up to 60 cm long. The bark is dark grey with longitudinal ridges. The flowers are small, lilac colored and fragrant. The flowers occur in dense, hanging bunches appearing between March and May. The fruit is a drupe containing 4 to 5 seeds. The fruiting period is June to January. It coppices easily and is relatively insect and disease free. It is reproduced both from seed and by vegetative means approximately 70 % of the seed will be viable. The seed can be stored for approximately a year without loss of viability. Growth rates are high. Yields of 17.5 m3/ha/yr have been recorded. Grains are straight, uneven textured. Sapwood is