Millingtonia hortensis Linn.

Millingtonia hortensis Linn.

Family :


English Name:

Indian Cork Tree

Local Name :

Nim Chameli

Description :

A tall erect evergreen tree attaining a height of 25 to 30m. Leaves are large, opposite, 2 to 3 pinnate up to 1 m long. Leaflets are 2.5 to 5 cm long and acununate. Bark is patchy and fissured.  Flowers are white, fragrant and appear between February and March in many flowered pannicles. It is reproduced primarily from root suckers. Growth rates are high. It can grow in height up to 2 m in one season. It has no observed insect or pest problems. Grains are even, light color sapwood with medium density.

Distribution :

The tree is believed to be native to Burma and Malaysia. It is common in gardens and around rest houses in Pakistan. It grows on a variety of soils including soils formed of weathered sandstone. In good soil its growth is phenomenal. It has a straight, cylindrical stem

Uses :

In Pakistan this tree has only been cultivated as an ornamental, also used as fuel wood.