Jacaranda ovalifolia D. Don.

Jacaranda ovalifolia D. Don.

Family :


English Name:


Local Name :

Nila Gul Mohar

Description :

A small sized deciduous tree (may appear to be evergreen at lower elevations). Heights of 12 m are not uncommon. Leaves are compound, 25 cm long. Usually there are 15 to 20 paired leaflets per leaf. The bark is creamy brown, furrowed vertically and cracked horizontally into narrow scales. The bell-like flowers are blue violet and have a fragrance of honey. The flowers occur in dense clusters in March but may flower more than once a year. The fruit is a large capsule, or pod 7.6 to 5 cm long, oval which contains numerous seed. Pods may hang on the tree for 2 years. The fruit may mature twice a year. It is susceptible to mealy bug infestations. It can be reproduced from seed. The seed is viable only for one year. It grows approximately 1m in height every year. Because of its large flowers it has some value as a landscape ornamental. Its wood has twisted grains with off white colour and resilient strength.

Distribution :

The tree is native to Central and South America and has been cultivated in tropical Africa, Asia and the Mediterranean. It is planted as an ornamental in Pakistan. An intolerant tree that requires full sunlight to develop to a mature tree. It grows well in moist situations on deep soils that are well drained. It requires a precipitation zone of at least 800 mm/yr. It prefers a sub-humid, tropical climate with a temperature range of 5 to 40°C but is frost hardy.

Uses :

Fuel, and ornamental.