Elaeagnus hortensis M. Bieb.

Elaeagnus hortensis M. Bieb.

Family :


English Name:

Russian olive

Local Name :


Description :

A small deciduous tree. Leaves are elliptic, oblong, and greenish on the upper surface, silvery beneath with scattered scales. Flowers are small, scented and dull yellowish white. Flowers between April and May and are borne in the axils of leaves. Fruit is a drupe with a stony seed 2 cm long red and sweet when ripe. It has no known insect’s problems. It can be reproduced both from seed and by cuttings. Seed is also disseminated by birds. A rather slow growing tree. Sapwood narrow, heartwood dark brown. Porous Grains, with soft density and mild wood strength.

Distribution :

Distributed throughout temperate and sub-tropical climates. Grows along water courses in Gilgit Baltistan and in moist places in Kaghan and Balochistan. An intolerant tree that grows well in moist places, slopes and valleys and along natural streams. It will grow in almost any soil but thrives in calcareous soils. Rainfall zone is 200 to 500 mm and temperature range of minus zero to 30°C.

Uses :

This tree is planted for fodder and fruit and is lopped for fuel. Fruit jam and jellies, fodder, fuel, wildlife habitat, windbreaks, and nurse crop for timber trees.