Callistemon viminalis Cheel
Callistemon viminalis Cheel
Description :
small evergreen tree, with drooping branches. Leaves, about 7 cm longed, are
alternate, lanceolate, narrowed at both ends, sharply pointed and gland dotted.
The leaves are spirally grouped toward the ends of the branchlets which hang
vertically. The red flowers are in terminal spikes 7 to 15 cm long. Flowering
begins about May and persists for an extended period. The fruit, a small woody
capsule, contains many seeds. The capsules open and ripen between July and
September. The empty capsules may persist on the ends of branches for a year. It
is reproduced both from seed and by vegetative means. It’s very small, red
seeds are numerous. Diameter growth rate is slow, 0.4 cm/yr. Spiral, very close
grained, evenly distributed with sapwood of grey or red color.
Distribution :
tree is native to Australia. It has been successfully planted on avenues and in
gardens in Pakistan. A highly prized ornamental as it would grow where others
do not due to inbuilt capacity to survive on difficult sites. A very intolerant
tree that will not grow well in shade. It is cultivated on a large variety of
sites and can withstand periods of drought. It prefers a semi-humid warm hot,
sub-tropical winter/monsoon climate. It can survive some frost but grows best
below an elevation of 2200 m.
Uses :
tree has value as an ornamental. It produces an abundance of pollen and nectar
which gives impetus for its use in honey production. Also used for Ornamental
and honey production.