Moringa pterygosperma
Moringa pterygosperma
Description :
large deciduous tree. The tripinnate, compound leaves are large 30 to 70 cm
long. Leaflets are opposite. The bark is corky. The flowers are 2.4 cm across,
white, strongly honey scented in large panicles. Flowers develop between
February and April. The fruit is a large capsules 25 to 50 cm long. The three
angled, winged, seed matures in August and is 2.4 cm long. It is reproduced
both from seed and by vegetative means. The growth rate is moderate. Grains are
straight, sapwood is of light color with medium density and weak strength.
Distribution :
tree is native to Pakistan in the Sub-Himalayan tract. Cultivated in the plains
from Rawalpindi eastward. A very intolerant tree that is cultivated on a large
variety of sites but does best on well drained soils. It can withstand periods
of drought, grows on eroded sites, and coppices.
Uses :
The tree has value as an avenue tree or planted along water courses. It
is a good fodder tree especially for camels. Also used as fodder, food (leaves,
flowers and fruits), seed oil (lubrication and perfume), and gum (bark).